Reverse Engineered Object: Progress I

Reverse Engineered Object: Progress I

March 4th, 2024

This week I started to measure and model the paper clip earring I had chosen in my last post. I completed all of the measurements and rough sketches (although I must admit that my measurements page is pretty disorganized). It was a difficult object to measure as it is so tiny, but I tried to be as accurate as possible.

Some issues I have run into so far:

  1. How to model springs?
  2. For some reason, after creating the structure of the bead, I was unable to create the open cylinder in the middle with the Shell command. Maybe some of my curves aren't fully closed? I'm not sure.
  3. Trying to wrap my head around how to model the organic curves of the paperclip.

Earring Hook: 
After modelling the structure of the earring hook in top view, I started to extrude the separate pieces. Then width of the wire used for the hook is 0.24mm, so I used the circle tool to create a circle with a diameter of 0.24mm, then used the sweep tool. Then I added the sheer at the base of the hook. I haven't attempted the spring above the sphere yet, so I just put a rectangle there to scale as a placeholder.

Earring Back:
This is the only piece so far that I have been able to model completely. I modelled half of the piece to scale then revolved it 360 degrees.

Paper Clip:
I think this is definitely going to be the most difficult piece to model. Up to this point, I just modelled it two dimensionally in top view to get a sense of the scale.

The only letter I have measured and drawn out so far is the M. All the letters stay between a 4mm by 4mm block, so I've found that the easiest way to construct the letters is to model them between that square, rather than measuring all the tiny components because the calliper cannot accurately measure the pieces. The structure of the bead itself is mostly an extruded circle but with filleted edges. I'm still working on this piece and have run into some issues so I might have to approach this component with a different technique.


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